I dropped this in a comment Sunday evening but would like to say again that the Morgan State U. choir did a fantastic job with the national anthem before the Ravens game Sunday. More college choirs, please!

Southeast of Raleigh, Tuesday afternoon, about an hour after the frogs started singing.

A little tech for your Saturday: Barber & Genn sash saw, made somewhere between 1787 and 1817. Putting it to proper work a year after I bought it. An absolute joy to use.

New sticker design for 2024. I am hedging on the color. What do y’all think?

Today, January 25th, the city is picking up the leaves my neighbors started dumping in the street in mid-October.

Two email subject lines from nonprofits seeking donations: (1) “Our oceans will never recover.” (2) “We’re giving nourishment and hope.” Guess which one I actually give money to?

I’ve been saving this for two years hoping for another snow day in Raleigh, but it is just as well to post it when everybody else has snow and we don’t: Cheap Sonnet No. 28F. In Which the Poet Observes a Child Behaving Disgustingly

Saw a headline this morning “Dramatic Plane Rescue” and was disappointed to learn that it wasn’t about hand-tool rehabilitation. I am not completely ignorant of life and news in the 21st century, but that is not where my mind goes.

Does anyone else out there sing the Wells Fargo Wagon song from The Music Man when the UPS truck comes down the street? (Asking for a friend.)

A pale furrow on the water, the plow too distant to be seen; then it disappears. I wish the duck good fishing.