Are you still boring? What if
The snow leopard dream team is you?
Don’t be a sweaty sleeper.
Fix your leaky windows.
I screwed up.
I screwed up.
I screwed up.

For you locals, I’ll be at Popup Raleigh today, Saturday, from 12–5, along with some other great artisans; also beer, food trucks, and a bounce house. Dogs welcome (probably not in the bounce house). Come on out and say hi!

Spent a five-day weekend learning seventeenth-century carving and making this box at the Woodwright’s School in Pittsboro, N.C. Had a fantastic time with some great people, and now I am itching to do more carving!

One of my spoons had babies! Kind of unexpected, but it’s always a joy when it happens.

I enjoy a climate with four seasons. Just not all in the same week.

It is a lovely thing to be up before dawn: to see the sky begin to color, hear the birds awake, know the whole day lies before you. Actually getting out of bed at that hour sucks equine genitalia.

For those of you near Raleigh, I’ll be at the State Farmers Market Spring Craft Fair today, tomorrow and Sunday 9-5 selling my wares. There is some great handmade stuff out here, and if you ask in person I’ll also tell you who has the best collards!

Cold this morning, but it has the feeling of a cold morning that will turn into a pleasant day; whereas yesterday it just felt cold. I don’t know what about the air and light gives me that feeling, but the birds seem to share it.

Is it possible to be combulated? And if so, could one undergo combobulation? Or recombobulation?

From instructions for Form 1041: “The IRS can’t accept a single check (including a cashier’s check) for amounts of $100,000,000 ($100 million) or more.” Helpful hint for those of you who had a very good year last year. Or a very bad one.