The dog now has his own pill organizer, thanks to a persistent ear infection and the effects of allergies, but to him it means mainly a twice daily ritual of getting the cream cheese we use to make the pills go down… a ritual that will be hard to shake when all this clears up.

Got a new bench together.

Little known fact: March 9 is International Monochrome Lunch Day.

Spotted on a walk today through Haw River State Park, this tree that would not give up.

Hildy, chilling on her third birthday.

A few tools from the engineering side of making chairs.

Fake inlay Penrose tiles on one of my first bits of woodworking, many years ago. Two rhombi that together can tile a plane, but in a non regular manner that never exactly repeats itself.

It’s pretty much always solitude in the workshop. There isn’t really room for two, and nobody else would put up with this mess anyhow.

Started the spring garden this week (I figured my scrawled charts and notes make a better pic than bare dirt). Greens, lettuce, radishes, beets. New herb plants. Hopefully the weather will cooperate, but cooperating is not what weather does these days.