Last week it was 95 degrees. Today it is supposed to be… 77? Did I flee to Canada and forget I had moved?
Last week it was 95 degrees. Today it is supposed to be… 77? Did I flee to Canada and forget I had moved?
If you had a sort of time traveling music bomb and could eradicate any one song from human history, so that not only would you never have to hear it again but could never have heard it in the first place, what song would it be?
Common Green June Beetle joining us for dinner. I disagree with “common,” but I’m not an entomologist, so nobody asked me.
Finished reading: Every Man Dies Alone by Hans Fallada 📚Fictionalized account of ordinary Germans’ resistance to the Nazis. It inspires hope despite being brutally realistic, and it’s a compelling story. One of the best novels I’ve read in some time.
On the occasion of Wendell Berry’s birthday, I‘ll repost the picture my daughter drew the day after the 2016 elections, in which the Mad Farmer plows up the parking lot outside the voting place and plants a forest of little pines. Further explanation here.
I just want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy birthday who has had a birthday this year, or who intends to do so later this year. Or, in case I forget to say so when the time comes, next year.
Flowers along the greenway where I walked yesterday. Much as I like the idea of greenways, except for these flowers it was actually pretty dull. I prefer walking through urban neighborhoods… if we could just get rid of all the cars.
Salsa verde from the garden. (Or more accurately from tomatillos and chiles from the garden.) 🌱
What do you call a group of house finches? A condominium?
Right now